Events - 24 Mar 09:00Annual Vitiligo Symposium


Boston, USA

The Global Vitiligo Foundation Annual Symposium will be held alongside AAD annual conference in Boston on March 24, 2022.

Details and registration

FAQOther Questions

  • I have a new job - should I tell colleagues about my vitiligo?

    Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking—especially if you’re concerned about stares or questions regarding your skin. Taking a proactive approach can help eas...

  • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

    Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not merely a cosmetic issue but a complex autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s largest organ—along with other vital systems—and is...

  • Is there a special diet for vitiligo?

    Recent research highlights the potential of diet and nutrition in managing vitiligo, offering an alternative where traditional therapies may be lacking. However, the relationshi...