If you would rather donate with a check or money order, please mail it to:
VR Foundation
1, Penn Plaza, #6205
New York, NY 10119 USA
On behalf of millions suffering from vitiligo, THANK YOU!
We would also appreciate donations of books and educational materials on vitiligo for children and young readers, from pre-school through high school.
Books are currently needed for our Library Grant Project and community outreach programs and will be distributed to the libraries of support groups, schools, hospitals, and shelters. We generally ask for a minimum donation of 25 copies per title. All donations are tax-deductible at their current retail value. Please contact us at info@vrfoundation.org
If you would rather donate with a check or money order, please mail it to:
On behalf of millions suffering from vitiligo, THANK YOU!
Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not a cosmetic disorder but a systemic disease affecting the largest body organ and other vital systems, with multiple comorbidities. Fo...
Many celebrities have dealt with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career. Here are a few courageous famous peo...
Yes, depression and anxiety often occur alongside vitiligo and can greatly affect a person's quality of life. The connection comes from the fact that both the skin and brain dev...
Though it is not always easy to treat vitiligo, there is much to be gained by clearly understanding the diagnosis, the future implications, treatment options and their outcomes.
Many people deal with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career.
Copyright (C) Bodolóczki JúliaBy taking a little time to fill in the anonymous questionnaire, you can help researchers better understand and fight vitiligo.