Our work is entirely funded by private donations – we receive no money from government. Your money will help us continue funding research into vitiligo and supporting people affected by the condition.
Our Supporters
The Board of Directors expresses gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their support of the VRF mission.
- Lifetime BenefactorsAksenov Family Foundation
- Distinguished Benefactors
Google Inc. - Distinguished SponsorsIncyte
- Distinguished Patrons
- <Anonymous>
- Anna Altukhova
- Audrey VanStockum
- Dutchphone Holdings Inc.
- Jose Luis Manzanares
- Rajanikanth Kanakameda
- Sean O'Donnel
- Shannon McIntush
- Steve Klein
- Teleup LLC.
- TVOE Inc.
FAQOther Questions
- Any link between vitiligo and military service?
While there isn't specific research directly linking military service to the onset of vitiligo, it's critical to comprehend that vitiligo is a multifaceted disorder influenced b...
- How Vitiligo Changes with Age?
Vitiligo, a condition characterized by the loss of skin pigmentation, can affect individuals at any stage of life. While it often appears before the age of 20, its progression a...
- What's better: laser or phototherapy?
Both laser treatment and phototherapy are effective options for treating vitiligo, but they each have their own advantages and considerations: Laser Treatment Advantages:- Hig...
Though it is not always easy to treat vitiligo, there is much to be gained by clearly understanding the diagnosis, the future implications, treatment options and their outcomes.
Many people deal with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career.
Copyright (C) Bodolóczki JúliaBy taking a little time to fill in the anonymous questionnaire, you can help researchers better understand and fight vitiligo.