World Vitiligo Map

World Vitiligo Map

Our free World Vitiligo Map is a global directory that provides you with information on vitiligo research centers, patient support groups and healthcare providers experienced in treating vitiligo. We strive to keep this global directory as accurate as possible. Still, it may not contain information about all vitiligo support groups, health care providers and researchers, so please let us know if we have missed someone out.

In general, the medical professionals who appear in our directory are not affiliated with the Vitiligo Research Foundation. This is a free service: no fees have been received by or paid to doctors for participation in this map. This does not represent an endorsement by or a recommendation from VRF, nor does it represent an endorsement by the doctor of VRF or any of its activities.

Search Map

  • Dr. Maurio Picardo, MD

    Vitiligo specialist at San Gallicano Dermatological Institute.

    Elio Chianesi 53, 00144 Roma, Italy

    06 52662753 / 06 52666257

  • DFW Vitiligo Support Group

    The mission of the DFW Vitiligo Support Group is to educate those with vitiligo about the diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo, to provide support for those affected by vitiligo and to increase awareness of this disorder in the general public. Support group meetings occur every 3 months from 7 to 9 pm on the 2nd Monday of the month. Meetings take place in January, April, July, and October at the DePaul Conference Room in St. Paul Hospital. President: Larry Seeding, Medical advisor: Prof. Amit G. Pandya, MD

    5909 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235 USA

  • Netherlands Institute for Pigment disorders

    The Netherlands Institute for Pigment disorders (SNIP) was founded in 1994 with the goal to establish an expertise center for pigment disorders of the skin.

    SNIP IWO-building, AMC Meibergdreef 35 1105 AZ Amsterdam


  • Dr. Panagiotis Tsogkas - Vitiligo Center

    Dr. Panagiotis Tsogkas has dedicated his life to finding the cure for vitiligo. Works as a dermatologist and pharmacologist at the Medical School of Aristotelis, University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is also a Director of the VITILIGO CENTER - PSYCHODERMATOLOGICAL CENTER FOR VITILIGO TREATMENT with offices in Athens and Kozani. More at

    176 Kifisias Av. & Veaki 1, Neo Psychiko, 11525, Athens, Greece.


  • Associazione Ricerca Informazione per la Vitiligine

    Associazione Italiana Ricerca Informazione per la Vitiligine, Onlus, Italy Iole Airoldi, President

    Via Borromeo, 29, 20031 Cesano Maderno (MI), Italy


  • Events
  • Doctors
  • Clinical Trials
  • Support Organizations
  • Researchers

FAQOther Questions

  • What's better: laser or phototherapy?

    Both laser treatment and phototherapy are effective options for treating vitiligo, but they each have their own advantages and considerations: Laser Treatment Advantages:- Hig...

  • PTSD in Vitiligo?

    Living with vitiligo often involves more than managing visible skin changes. Many individuals face discrimination, social stigma, and feelings of isolation, leading to emotional...

  • Any link between vitiligo and military service?

    While there isn't specific research directly linking military service to the onset of vitiligo, it's critical to comprehend that vitiligo is a multifaceted disorder influenced b...