Our work is entirely funded by private donations – we receive no money from government. Your money will help us continue funding research into vitiligo and supporting people affected by the condition.
It's very unlikely. We have specifically looked into claims that gluten-free diet may ease symptoms of vitiligo, or completely reverse it, and found no firm scientific evidence to support this theory.
Gluten is a storage protein in wheat, rye, and barley that puffs up when baked with yeast. It may promote inflammation and intestinal damage in the 0.7% of the population with celiac disease. Children and infants are most likely to show signs of a wheat allergy or gluten intolerance, which are different conditions with similar symptoms.
If you are wondering about gluten in your child's diet, or someone in your family has a history of food allergies, it is best to get a confirmed diagnosis before you start messing with diet. Two to three months of a gluten-restricted diet is enough to see if it can help your vitiligo.
Contrary to many beliefs, gluten-free diets often aren’t very healthy. For example, when teens go gluten-free, they are much more likely to become overweight and to eat less fiber, calcium and iron but consume more fat.
Suggested reading: Is there a special diet for vitiligo?
FAQOther Questions
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Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking—especially if you’re concerned about stares or questions regarding your skin. Taking a proactive approach can help eas...
- What tests for vitiligo should be done?
Before starting vitiligo therapy, several tests may be recommended to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan: Physical Examination A thorough physical exa...
Though it is not always easy to treat vitiligo, there is much to be gained by clearly understanding the diagnosis, the future implications, treatment options and their outcomes.
Many people deal with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career.
Copyright (C) Bodolóczki JúliaBy taking a little time to fill in the anonymous questionnaire, you can help researchers better understand and fight vitiligo.