FoundationResults To Date

Results To Date

Your donation enables us to support vitiligo research and community projects across the world. This money has enabled us to do some amazing things, such as:

  1. Established World Vitiligo Day on June 25, now recognized in over 50 countries, raising global awareness and combating stigma associated with vitiligo.

  2. Developed the first AI-Guide On Vitiligo, an online encyclopedia with interactive avatars capable of communicating in over 50 languages via text, audio, and video.

  3. Built the Vitiligo Patient Journey Map, an informative guide helping patients navigate complex landscape of vitiligo therapies, non-treatment options and lifestyle choices.

  4. Organized international Master-Classes on Vitiligo in 11 countries, educating over 3,000 medical professionals, including collaborations with two Nobel Laureates.

  5. Created an open-access World Vitiligo Map, a global directory to connect vitiligo researchers, patient support groups, and activists around the world.

  6. Successfully brought skilled researchers and practitioners into the field, expanding the expertise and innovation dedicated to vitiligo.

  7. Published extensive literature on vitiligo, including over 50 articles, four books, and numerous reviews in prestigious scientific journals.

  8. Established and supported vitiligo support groups and clinics across four continents, providing crucial resources and care for affected individuals.

  9. Launched a networked Vitiligo BioBank across 9 locations, supplying initial funding and biosamples for local researchers, all linked by the Vitiligo CloudBank—the first electronic health record system for vitiligo.

  10. Accelerated first drug development for vitiligo by providing critical insights to regulatory bodies and pharmaceutical companies, contributing to recent breakthroughs in vitiligo treatment.

We are mostly funded by donations, so without your support we would simply cease to exist. To ensure we continue the fight against vitiligo, please donate today.

FAQOther Questions

  • Is there a traditional medicine to treat vitiligo?

    Traditional medicines may be helpful in chronic, metabolic, and stress-related conditions early in the disease manifestation, before extensive tissue and organ damage has occurr...

  • Is vitiligo contagious?

    Vitiligo is NOT contagious. It cannot be passed on or caught from touching someone with vitiligo, shaking hands, swimming in the same pool, sharing towels, sitting next to someo...

  • PTSD in Vitiligo?

    Living with vitiligo often involves dealing with more than just skin changes. Many people with vitiligo face discrimination, social stigma, and isolation, which can lead to lowe...