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The Vitiligo BioBank is a non-profit collection of biological samples and detailed clinical data, designed to facilitate medical research into vitiligo.

The core asset of Vitiligo Biobank is a large collection of well-organized hair, blood, serum and DNA samples, integrated with comprehensive clinical records.

We collect and store large number of samples throughout the network of collaborators in 11 countries, using standard collection protocols and unified patient records.

Samples will be made available to the scientific community and research organizations investigating pathogeneses and developing diagnostics and new treatments.

Our research team analyses the associated data for clues that may lead to a better understanding of the disease, identify potential biomarkers and ultimately develop a cure for vitiligo through the Vitiligo CloudBank system.

Project Background

Until recently, vitiligo researchers were generally limited to conducting studies on patient samples they could acquire themselves. When the Foundation started there were no centralized database or biorepository. We have started the first Vitiligo Biobank with a 100+ sample collection from the completed research project in genetics in late January 2013.

  • Vitiligo Biobank Network

    Vitiligo BioBank consists of the principal location and a number of participating biobanks in key regions. They hold collections of biosamples along with clinical profiles of vitiligo patients and annotations on efficacy of vitiligo therapy in combination with different drugs

  • General and Technical Details

    Vitiligo Biobank is a metabiobank that provides researchers the possibility to search for and request access to the biomaterial that fits their research purposes in vitiligo. It is built under a federated network model, which encourages participation by sample owners who are concerned about their ownership of samples and associated clinical data

  • Biosample Acquisition Process

    The VR Foundation is accepting applications from qualified investigators who wish to gain access to biospecimens and associated clinical data for use in translational scientific research. Applications undergo a comprehensive review for scientific merit and impact.

    All applicants must first submit a Letter of Intent with a general audience summary (up to 250 words), goals of the research, statement of hypothesis and budget summary. The VRF will review Letters of Intent and notify applicants as to the suitability of the study.

  • Contributions by Patients

    Researchers need blood, skin or hair samples to make discoveries that will lead to new treatments and, ultimately, a cure for vitiligo. To arrive at conclusions that are reliable and not likely to be a coincidence or due to chance, it is always necessary to examine a large number of samples

FAQOther Questions

  • PTSD in Vitiligo?

    Living with vitiligo often involves more than managing visible skin changes. Many individuals face discrimination, social stigma, and feelings of isolation, leading to emotional...

  • Is there a traditional medicine to treat vitiligo?

    Traditional remedies can play a supportive role in managing chronic, metabolic, and stress-related conditions—particularly early in the disease process, before significant tissu...

  • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

    Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not merely a cosmetic issue but a complex autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s largest organ—along with other vital systems—and is...