Events - 11 Jan 12:14First NY Vitiligo Community Group meeting of 2018


NYU's Ambulatory Care Center at 240 East 38th Street, New York, USA

will be on Thursday, February 8th, from 7PM - 8:30PM
on the 11th floor of NYU's Ambulatory Care Center at 240 East 38th Street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue

Since this is our first meeting of the year, we will provide an overview of our New York Vitiligo Community Group. Additionally, there will be a research update about a treatment for vitiligo: vitiligo surgery!

Please let us know if you will be able to attend the meeting by email

NY Vitiligo Community

Ny Vitiligo Community Group  Meeting February 2018

FAQOther Questions

  • Does vitiligo increase the risk of skin cancer?

    No, it does not. Despite common misconceptions, people with vitiligo are actually at a lower risk of developing skin cancer—including both nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and mal...

  • Are there any famous people with vitiligo?

    Many celebrities have dealt with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career. Here are a few courageous famous peo...

  • Will it spread?

    Vitiligo's progression and response to treatment can vary significantly among individuals, making it a particularly unpredictable skin condition. Based on the VALIANT study, her...