Events - 07 Jun 13:26Melanocyte transplantation workshop in Croatia


Zagreb, Croatia

Melanocyte transplantation workshop by Professor Davinder Parsad, MD, PhD will be organized in Zagreb, Croatia, on June 9th 2016. Co-hosted by President of Croatian Dermatovenerological Society, Professor Mirna Situm, MD, PHD and President of Croatian Vitiligo Association, Professor Andrija Stanimirovic, MD, PHD. 

This important educational workshop is part of celebration of World Vitiligo Day in Croatia, which will be held on June 10th 2016 as part of 4th Croatian Psychodermatology Congress with international participation. In this event patients will be introduced with the most recent therapeutic strategies in vitiligo management which will be presented in the lecture of professor Davinder Parsad, MD, PhD while Maja Kovacevic, MD will give a lecture about living with vitiligo and quality of life of vitiligo patients. After the presentation, patients will be able to discuss about their dermatological condition with professor Parsad, Situm and Stanimirovic and also participate in workshop about sun protection, skin care and camouflage with partners from dermatocosmetic companies.

FAQOther Questions

  • What tests for vitiligo should be done?

    Before starting vitiligo therapy, several tests may be recommended to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan: Physical Examination A thorough physical exa...

  • Does vitiligo increase the risk of skin cancer?

    No, it does not. Despite common misconceptions, people with vitiligo are actually at a lower risk of developing skin cancer—including both nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and mal...

  • Will it spread?

    Vitiligo's progression and response to treatment can vary significantly among individuals, making it a particularly unpredictable skin condition. Based on the VALIANT study, her...