Events - 07 Jul 21:03Sydney Vitiligo Support Meeting


48 Harrow Rd, Stanmore 2048, Sydney, Australia

Saturday 25th July
Time: 2-4pm
Address: 48 Harrow Rd, Stanmore 2048, Sydney

Please confirm your attendance to Tanya Tyler <>.

FAQOther Questions

  • Is there a traditional medicine to treat vitiligo?

    Traditional remedies can play a supportive role in managing chronic, metabolic, and stress-related conditions—particularly early in the disease process, before significant tissu...

  • What is the best therapy for localized vitiligo?

    Localized vitiligo, where the white patches are limited to one or a few areas of the body, can be managed with a few treatment approaches. The best therapy usually depends on th...

  • Who is prone to vitiligo?

    Vitiligo can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or race. Vitiligo prevalence is between 0.76% and 1.11% of the U.S. population, including around 40% of those with the con...