Events - 20 Sep 22:18Vitiligo International Symposium in Rome


Rome, Italy

A two-day International Vitiligo Symposium is being organized by our colleagues Mauro Picardo and Alain Taieb. Registration and full details are here.

FAQOther Questions

  • Shall I take vitamin D for my vitiligo?

    Vitamin D plays a central role in the prevention of different inflammatory and chronic diseases. Consuming 1,000–4,000 IU (25–100 mcg) of vitamin D3 daily should be ideal for mo...

  • What is vitiligo?

     Vitiligo (pronounced vit-ill-EYE-go) is a generally unpredictable skin disease that causes a gradual loss of skin color and overlying hair on different parts of the body. Cont...

  • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

    Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not merely a cosmetic issue but a complex autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s largest organ—along with other vital systems—and is...