Events - 10 Aug 16:18XXIV Master Class in Ha Noi, Vietnam


Melia Hotel, 44 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ha Noi, Vietnam

will be held alongside 3rd Indo China Dermatology Conference and the Annual Scientific Meeting Of Dermatology and Venereology of the VSDV. Details

FAQOther Questions

  • Pyrostegia venusta as a folk medicine for vitiligo?

    Pyrostegia venusta, also known as “flame vine” or “cipó-de-são-joão,” is a neotropical evergreen vine native to Brazil. It thrives in fields, coastal areas, forest edges, and ro...

  • Which diseases most commonly accompany vitiligo?

    Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases, acccording to a 10-year study. The exact diseases that accompany vitiligo can vary...

  • What's better: laser or phototherapy?

    Both laser treatment and phototherapy are effective options for treating vitiligo, but they each have their own advantages and considerations: Laser Treatment Advantages:- Hig...