News - 24 Oct `17Habla Espaol? Let Us Know.


Would you prefer to read Vitiligo News in Spanish rather than in English? Let us know. 

We are looking into a possibility to translate our monthly newsletters in Spanish - if we get enough requests to justify the additional effort of our small team.   

As an example, here are some past issues, translated by Prof. Jorge Luis Perez, President of VITAMIGOS - Cuban Vitiligo Support and Research Group (Holguin, Cuba)

Simply drop us a note with your language preference by email or via Facebook.

      FAQOther Questions

      • How Vitiligo Changes with Age?

        Vitiligo, a condition characterized by the loss of skin pigmentation, can affect individuals at any stage of life. While it often appears before the age of 20, its progression a...

      • Shall I take vitamin D for my vitiligo?

        Vitamin D plays a central role in the prevention of different inflammatory and chronic diseases. Consuming 1,000–4,000 IU (25–100 mcg) of vitamin D3 daily should be ideal for mo...

      • Are there any famous people with vitiligo?

        Many celebrities have dealt with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career. Here are a few courageous famous peo...