News - 09 Jan `25Take part in a paid vitiligo research study by Sanguine Bio


VR Foundation has partnered with Sanguine Biosciences, a provider of at-home clinical research services, to share an at-home study opportunity for those interested in advancing vitiligo research. 
Together, we can make vitiligo research happen. The goal of this research is to allow researchers to enhance our understanding of vitiligo, in support of developing new diagnostic and treatment options for patients living with the condition.
We've made it easy to participate. Collections can be done completely in the comfort of your own home. A one-time blood donation is required for the study.
We value your time and participation. As a thank you for your time, Sanguine will provide you with up to a $100 compensation after the collection is complete. 
You may qualify to participate if you:

  • Are 18 to 85 years of age
  • Are diagnosed with vitiligo
  • Have not taken medical treatment or investigational drugs within the following interval:
    o      < 12 weeks or 5 half-lives (if known), whichever is longer, for any investigational or experimental treatments
    o      Have ever taken an immunomodulating biologic drug or antibody-based therapy
    o      < 4 weeks for systemic immunosuppressive or immunomodulating medications
    o      < 4 weeks for any topical or systemic JAK inhibitor.
    o      < 1 week for any oral or topical PDE4 inhibitor
  • Live in the United States

To learn more or sign up, visit this website or call (814) 204-2747 to speak with a research coordinator and see if you qualify.    

Sanguine Bio vitiligo study

      FAQOther Questions

      • Who is prone to vitiligo?

        Vitiligo can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or race. Vitiligo prevalence is between 0.76% and 1.11% of the U.S. population, including around 40% of those with the con...

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        If you have vitiligo, you might wonder about the chances of your children developing the condition. While there is a genetic component, vitiligo is not a straightforward heredit...

      • What's better: laser or phototherapy?

        Both laser treatment and phototherapy are effective options for treating vitiligo, but they each have their own advantages and considerations: Laser Treatment Advantages:- Hig...