News - 29 Jul `14World Vitiligo Day recognized by the Governor of Massachusetts


During the 6th annual conference, Mrs. Valarie Molyneaux (photo), CEO and Founder of VITFriends support group from Boston, MA has opened a letter with official proclamation from Governor of Massachusetts recognizing the World Vitiligo Day. For full conference report please visit Facebook page.

Vit Friends Conference July 2014

      FAQOther Questions

      • I have a new job - should I tell colleagues about my vitiligo?

        Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking—especially if you’re concerned about stares or questions regarding your skin. Taking a proactive approach can help eas...

      • What causes vitiligo?

        Surprisingly, the causes of vitiligo are yet to be precisely established. Researchers know the cause is pre-wired in your genes, just waiting for a bad luck moment. In about hal...

      • Can chemicals cause vitiligo?

        Certain chemicals can trigger vitiligo, leading to a condition known as chemical-induced vitiligo. While clinically and histologically indistinguishable from other types of viti...