Publication - 2018Functional nutrition as integrated approach in vitiligo management


Vitiligo is a common disease of unknown cause that produces disfiguring white patches of depigmentation that can be treated using various new and experimental therapies, such as narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) microphototherapy, NB-UVB excimer laser, and monochromatic excimer light. Medical treatments include topical corticosteroids and other topical treatments, such as antioxidants, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, prostaglandin E, and vitamin D derivatives (Lotti, Berti, & Moretti, 2009). The goal of treating vitiligo is to make it less noticeable either by restoring lost pigment or by eliminating remaining pigment. Functional foods and healthy diet, with nutrients, form a variety of sources, could be considered an integral part, as well as helpful, of vitiligo's medical therapy.


Di Nardo V, Barygina V, França K, Tirant M, Valle Y, Lotti T.

FAQOther Questions

  • What causes vitiligo?

    Surprisingly, the causes of vitiligo are yet to be precisely established. Researchers know the cause is pre-wired in your genes, just waiting for a bad luck moment. In about hal...

  • Does vitiligo increase the risk of skin cancer?

    No, it does not. Despite common misconceptions, people with vitiligo are actually at a lower risk of developing skin cancer—including both nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and mal...

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    Depression and anxiety are often linked with vitiligo, significantly impacting a person’s quality of life. The connection stems from the shared origin of the skin and brain duri...