Treatment guidelineRelapse

Treatment guideline

There is no solid retrospective data on the symptomatic recurrence rate after a successful treatment. Available evidence suggests a high chance of over 50% recurrence rate within a 4-year period. Sometimes new lesions appear while patients are busy treating other patches. A high disease recurrence rate suggests that a life-long supporting skincare is necessary to achieve acceptable and continuous cosmetic results.

FAQOther Questions

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     Vitiligo (pronounced vit-ill-EYE-go) is a generally unpredictable skin disease that causes a gradual loss of skin color and overlying hair on different parts of the body. Cont...

  • Which therapy has minimal side-effects?

    Dead Sea climatotherapy is a unique and highly effective treatment option for vitiligo, offering a top-tier safety profile and natural therapeutic benefits. Its combination of p...

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    Depression and anxiety are often linked with vitiligo, significantly impacting a person’s quality of life. The connection stems from the shared origin of the skin and brain duri...