Our work is entirely funded by private donations – we receive no money from government. Your money will help us continue funding research into vitiligo and supporting people affected by the condition.
Palais des Congrès de Paris, FRANCE
SESSION on Vitiligo, in collaboration with Société Marocaine de Dermatologie (SMD)
Room: Room 143 - Level 1
Date: Thursday 1 February 2024 at 13:30 to 15:30
- 13:30 Prof Thierry PASSERON. Vitiligo treatment: what’s new and what’s coming next?
- 13:41 Prof Manal BOSSEILA. Validity and reliability of dermoscopic criteria used to differentiate vitiligo from other hyperpigmented skin lesions
- 13:52 Dr Albert WOLKERSTORFER. Current vitiligo treatments
- 14:03 Dr Reinhart SPEECKAERT. Emerging treatments for vitiligo
- 14:14 Prof Laila BENZEKRI Role of VZV in segmental vitiligo pathogenesis
- 14:25 Dr Amr RATEB. Vitiligo: PUVA, laser, or JAK inhibitors?
- 14:36 Dr Pierre Andre BECHEREL. JAK inhibitors for vitiligo
- 14:47 Prof Antonio A G MASSA. PDL in vitiligo treatment
- 14:58 Dr Cheryl M BURGESS. Treatment of segmental vitiligo with topical ruxolitinib and 308 nm monochromatic excimer light
- 15:09 Prof Torello M LOTTI. Vitiligo Research Foundation
- 15:10 Dr Albert WOLKERSTORFER. Moderator and panelist: roundtable on vitiligo cases
- 15:10 Prof Torello M LOTTI. Roundtable panelist on vitiligo cases
- 15:10 Prof Laila BENZEKRI. Roundtable panelist on vitiligo cases
- 15:10 Dr Reinhart SPEECKAERT. Roundtable panelist on vitiligo cases
FAQOther Questions
- What tests for vitiligo should be done?
Before starting vitiligo therapy, several tests may be recommended to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan: Physical Examination A thorough physical exa...
- Polypodium leucotomos as an adjunct treatment for vitiligo?
The tropical fern Polypodium leucotomos (also known as Polypodium aureum) and its relative Polypodium decumanumhave shown potential benefits for managing vitiligo and other auto...
- How can I explain vitiligo to my children?
Vitiligo can be confusing for children because it doesn’t resemble an "illness" in the typical sense. Choosing the right way to explain it depends on your child’s age and maturi...
Though it is not always easy to treat vitiligo, there is much to be gained by clearly understanding the diagnosis, the future implications, treatment options and their outcomes.
Many people deal with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career.
Copyright (C) Bodolóczki JúliaBy taking a little time to fill in the anonymous questionnaire, you can help researchers better understand and fight vitiligo.