Events - 14 Jul 15:51Master Class On Vitiligo In Pediatric Age


P.zza Giovanni Randaccio, 1 - Rome, 00195 Italy

will be held alongside International Forum on Paediatric Dermatology, which will take place in Rome (Italy), on October 5-7, 2017.

This is an exciting opportunity to meet the international experts of pediatric dermatology and discuss with them about recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric skin diseases, including vitiligo.

In addition to the scientific value of this meeting, all participants may seize the given opportunity to interact with experts in a friendly setting in the Eternal City.

Join us for this event and plan to submit your own studies and case presentations either as oral communication or poster.

We look forward to welcoming you in Rome. 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and G. Marconi University,

Torello Lotti MD
Fabio Arcangeli MD
Giuseppe Ruggiero MD


Master Class Pediatric Vitiligo 2017

FAQOther Questions

  • What is vitiligo?

     Vitiligo (pronounced vit-ill-EYE-go) is a generally unpredictable skin disease that causes a gradual loss of skin color and overlying hair on different parts of the body. Cont...

  • What's better: laser or phototherapy?

    Both laser treatment and phototherapy are effective options for treating vitiligo, but they each have their own advantages and considerations: Laser Treatment Advantages:- Hig...

  • I have vitiligo: will my children have vitiligo, too?

    If you have vitiligo, you might wonder about the chances of your children developing the condition. While there is a genetic component, vitiligo is not a straightforward heredit...