Events - 26 Sep 06:33NY Chapter VITFriends meeting


380 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn NY, 11238

Support group meeting will be held @ the Brooklyn Public Library (Clinton Hill Branch) from 2-4 pm. If you would like to attend, please contact Pat ( or Shazaad ( RSVP soon as number of seats is limited. Light refreshments will be served. 

Vit Friends Nyc Meeting 25 Oct 2014

FAQOther Questions

  • Does halo nevi affect vitiligo development?

    Halo nevi (also known as Sutton's nevi) are characterized by a mole that's surrounded by a ring of depigmented or lighter skin. While both halo nevi and vitiligo involve the des...

  • Who is prone to vitiligo?

    Vitiligo can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or race. Vitiligo prevalence is between 0.76% and 1.11% of the U.S. population, including around 40% of those with the con...

  • What is vitiligo?

     Vitiligo (pronounced vit-ill-EYE-go) is a generally unpredictable skin disease that causes a gradual loss of skin color and overlying hair on different parts of the body. Cont...