Events - 27 Jun 10:00World Vitiligo Day - FRANCE


France / online

Compte tenu des restrictions de rassemblement cette année, l'Association Française du Vitiligo vous propose 4 vidéoconférences interactives à l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale du Vitiligo, le samedi 27 juin 2020 !

Conférences gratuites : inscription obligatoire ici
10h-11h • Vitiligo : présentation, traitements et recherches
12h-13h • Soleil, peau et Vitiligo
15h-16h • Enfants et Vitiligo
18h-19h • Discriminations et Vitiligo


World Vitiligo Day 2020 France





FAQOther Questions

  • How Vitiligo Changes with Age?

    Vitiligo, a condition characterized by the loss of skin pigmentation, can affect individuals at any stage of life. While it often appears before the age of 20, its progression a...

  • Red Wine and Vitiligo

    Recent research has revealed intriguing findings about the potential protective effects of red wine against vitiligo, using a genetic approach to study health outcomes. Red Win...

  • Will it spread?

    Vitiligo's progression and response to treatment can vary significantly among individuals, making it a particularly unpredictable skin condition. Based on the VALIANT study, her...