FAQI have a new job - should I tell colleagues about my vitiligo?


Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking—especially if you’re concerned about stares or questions regarding your skin. Taking a proactive approach can help ease any awkwardness and foster understanding in your workplace.

1. Talk to Your Boss First

When the moment feels right, have a private conversation with your supervisor. You might say: "If anyone has questions about the white spots on my skin and doesn’t feel comfortable asking me, here’s what it is: I have vitiligo. It’s not contagious, so there’s no reason for concern."

This can preempt misunderstandings and create an open environment.

2. Address Your Colleagues Openly

When you’re comfortable, consider sharing with your team. A simple, friendly statement like this can help: "In case you’ve noticed the white spots on my skin, it’s called vitiligo. Don’t worry—it’s not catching!"

3. Remember—It’s Your Choice

There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to handle this. Share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with. What matters most is feeling at ease in your new environment.

Approaching the topic with confidence and openness can turn potential discomfort into an opportunity to educate and connect with your coworkers.

Suggested reading


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