FAQWhich therapy has minimal side-effects?


Dead Sea climatotherapy has shown promising results in treating vitiligo in people of all ages. It is considered as the only treatment that’s safe for nearly all vitiligo patients – regardless of age, and including pregnant and nursing women. Rare contraindications include photosensitive skin disorders, renal insufficiency, acute infection, and severe movement disability.

The dense atmosphere of the Dead Sea basin, enriched with bromine and minerals, filters harmful UVA rays while allowing beneficial UVB rays, offering safe and effective treatment conditions. Treatment involves progressive sun exposure and therapeutic dips in its hyper-saline waters. A minimum of three weeks is recommended for effective treatment, with longer stays often yielding better results. The best treatment period is from March to late October.

Treatment typically begins with repigmentation appearing as small dots, especially around hair follicles, which expand and merge to form a uniform skin tone. After returning home, the process typically continues for six to eight more weeks. To enhance and maintain the benefits, a follow-up regimen of low-dose UVB treatment using home devices or at a clinic is advised for 3-4 months.

Suggested reading: Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea for Vitiligo