News - 19 Jun `13100,037 Petitions signed to date,


or 20.01% of the target number, a tremendous 500+% increase over 2-week period! A big thanks goes out to everyone who support the World Vitiligo Day.

100000 Signatures

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      FAQOther Questions

      • How can I cure vitiligo?

        There is no cure for vitiligo, but there are a number of effective treatment options that can be discussed with your GP or dermatologist. The aim of treatment is to stop new pat...

      • Will it spread?

        Vitiligo activity may vary considerably from person to person. The natural course of vitiligo is truly unpredictable but usually progressive. The most recent VALIANT study on v...

      • Vitiligo and hearing loss: any connection?

        Vitiligo, primarily known for skin discoloration, can also affect melanocytes in the inner ear, potentially influencing hearing. Hearing loss isn't unique to vitiligo patients a...