News - 03 Sep `19Lee Thomas: "How I Help People Understand Vitiligo"


Feel like getting motivated or just looking for a feel-good news story? There's no better way to take a break from your day than with a fresh cup of coffee and a great TED talk from the most respectable name in vitiligo community.

Watch this incredibly moving TED talk from the vitiligo spokesperson, 4x Emmy Award winner, Fox2 TV entertainment guru, and our best friend, Lee Thomas. His extremely personal talk explores the uncomfortable feeling of vulnerability familiar to every person with vitiligo, and suggests the way out of a daily stress.

Lee shares how he discovered a way to counter misunderstanding and fear around his appearance with engagement, dialogue -- and a smile. "Positivity is something worth fighting for, and the fight is not with others -- it's internal," says Lee. "If you want to make positive changes in your life, you have to consistently be positive."

Image source: TED

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, and features "Ideas Worth Spreading." 





    FAQOther Questions

    • Is there a link between vitiligo and depression?

      Yes, depression and anxiety often occur alongside vitiligo and can greatly affect a person's quality of life. The connection comes from the fact that both the skin and brain dev...

    • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

      Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not a cosmetic disorder but a systemic disease affecting the largest body organ and other vital systems, with multiple comorbidities. Fo...

    • Which therapy has minimal side-effects?

      Dead Sea climatotherapy has shown promising results and top safety profile in treating vitiligo in people of all ages. It is considered as the only treatment that’s safe for nea...