News - 12 Mar `24Join Our Vitiligo Study: Limited Spots, Earn Up to $130!


The SurveyEngine, in collaboration with VR Foundation, is conducting a comprehensive research study. Our objective is to understand the varied experiences and treatment expectations of individuals living with vitiligo across different regions, starting with residents of the UK, the USA, and the EU.

We are inviting adults (18 years and older) and adolescents (12 to 17 years old) to participate in a 60-minute online interview. No specific criteria regarding the type or severity of your vitiligo are required for participation—only a confirmation of diagnosis through documentation such as a doctor's letter, a medical note, an insurance claim, or any similar proof of your condition.  Seats are limited - act fast!

We are currently extending a warm invitation to our UK and USA community members to participate, via these direct links:

Eligible participants will receive compensation of $130 USD or £105 for those in the UK. Seats are limited - act fast!

This original study is initiated by Evidera, a scientific research company, on behalf of a pharmaceutical company. It is purely for informational purposes—to gain insights without influencing any decisions. No treatments or medical advice will be provided.

We look forward to hearing your stories and insights. If you have any questions, or if you decide not to participate, please let us know via email—your feedback is invaluable in guiding our research efforts.

Vitiligo Survey - United Kingdom


      FAQOther Questions

      • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

        Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not merely a cosmetic issue but a complex autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s largest organ—along with other vital systems—and is...

      • What tests for vitiligo should be done?

        Before starting vitiligo therapy, several tests may be recommended to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan: Physical Examination A thorough physical exa...

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        Pyrostegia venusta, also known as “flame vine” or “cipó-de-são-joão,” is a neotropical evergreen vine native to Brazil. It thrives in fields, coastal areas, forest edges, and ro...