News - 30 Jun `22Vitiligo session at CILAD


Meet us at CILAD* conference in Madrid tomorrow, July 1st at 12 noon, for the discussion of the recent advances in treatment of pigmentary disorders and vitiligo.


  • Dr. Gabriel Serrano Sanmiguel MD, PhD, Dermatólogo y fundador de Sesderma Laboratorios
  • Dra. Eva Álvarez Roca MD, Asesor médico Sesderma-Mediderma
  • Sr. D. Yan Valle, Director ejecutivo Vitiligo Research Fundation. Profesor Asociado de Marconi University

UPDATE: Madrid, Spain is the host not only for NATO summit today, but also a major congress for dermatologists and cosmetologists. Presented the Vitiligo Patient Journey Map to the overcrowded auditorium at Sesderma session. Beginning to change patient/doctor relationship in a life-long diseases like vitiligo. As the Chinese proverb goes, " A thousand miles journey begins with the first step."

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