News - 27 Jun `18The Inaugural World Vitiligo Day


June 25th marked a significant milestone in global health awareness – the debut of World Vitiligo Day (WVD). The heart of this monumental occasion pulsed in the Eternal City, Rome, where the historic University of Guglielmo Marconi hosted an unforgettable press conference.

At the helm of this event were the dynamic duo: Prof. Torello Lotti, a doyen in dermatology, and Yan Valle, CEO of the Vitiligo Research Foundation. Together, they defied a city-wide transport strike and gathered an impassioned crowd of reporters, researchers, activists, and vitiligo patients beneath the university's venerable ceilings.

In the city famed for its grand narratives, Lotti and Valle unraveled the tale of vitiligo — a story interwoven with science, society, and the human spirit. Their vibrant presentations delved into the multifaceted nature of vitiligo, marrying complex scientific discourse with heart-wrenching patient experiences.

As they unveiled WVD to the world, Valle's stirring call to action echoed across the room, painting a vision of a world where vitiligo ceases to be a silent, misunderstood affliction. Prof. Lotti, on the other hand, elegantly emphasized the necessity of intensified research and superior therapeutic strategies. His words touched chords in the hearts of the audience, reflecting a deep comprehension of vitiligo's scientific and personal dimensions.

All the while, across the globe from Australia to China, the world echoed Rome’s sentiment, converging in unity and solidarity with the vitiligo community.

As the Roman sun cast its departing glow, the inaugural World Vitiligo Day wrapped up, leaving behind an invigorated sense of purpose, a wealth of knowledge, and above all, a beacon of hope. In the face of adversity, the vitiligo community stood undeterred, embodying a resounding message of resilience and unity. And thus, the journey began – a journey of compassion, understanding, and relentless pursuit of a cure.

June 27, 2012

World Vitiligo Day 2012 Yan Valle Torello Lotti


    FAQOther Questions

    • Who is prone to vitiligo?

      Vitiligo can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, or race. Vitiligo prevalence is between 0.76% and 1.11% of the U.S. population, including around 40% of those with the con...

    • Is there a special diet for vitiligo?

      In short, no.  Some people find that certain foods may worsen their vitiligo symptoms or that others may improve their skin condition. We found no scientific evidence that a sp...

    • Are there any famous people with vitiligo?

      Many celebrities have dealt with vitiligo while remaining in the public eye, maintaining a positive outlook, and having a successful career. Here are a few courageous famous peo...