News - 13 May `19Share Insights On Living With Vitiligo and Get $250


This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in research and want their voices to be heard.

LaGrippe Research is conducting an online survey, and subsequent phone and live interviews with vitiligo patients to better understand a patient's journey. This will be in the form of a 5-day mobile online board starting on Monday, May 20th.

The company is looking to gain input and feedback on living with vitiligo from adults 18+, as well as teens ages 13-17 (parents can fill out questions for their teen).

Participants will spend about 15-20 minutes a day for five days sharing their stories and insights.

Those that qualify and participate will be compensated $250 as a Thank You for your time. This is not a clinical trial and at no point will anyone try to sell anything.

If you or your child are interested in participating, please follow the link to fill out a questionnaire. If you have any questions please contact Marcia at or 224-475-8771


      FAQOther Questions

      • How Vitiligo Changes with Age?

        Vitiligo, a condition characterized by the loss of skin pigmentation, can affect individuals at any stage of life. While it often appears before the age of 20, its progression a...

      • Isn't it just a cosmetic disorder?

        Contrary to popular belief, vitiligo is not merely a cosmetic issue but a complex autoimmune disorder that affects the body’s largest organ—along with other vital systems—and is...

      • Can a gluten-free diet help with vitiligo?

        It's very unlikely. We have specifically looked into claims that gluten-free diet may ease symptoms of vitiligo, or completely reverse it, and found no firm scientific evidence ...