News - 10 Sep `14Dermaroller for vitiligo therapy?


In response to several inquiries about use of micro-needling devices for vitiligo therapy, Dermaroller and the like, we have added a new item to our FAQ section.

      FAQOther Questions

      • Does halo nevi affect vitiligo development?

        Halo nevi (also known as Sutton's nevi) are characterized by a mole that's surrounded by a ring of depigmented or lighter skin. While both halo nevi and vitiligo involve the des...

      • Is there a special diet for vitiligo?

        Recent research highlights the potential of diet and nutrition in managing vitiligo, offering an alternative where traditional therapies may be lacking. However, the relationshi...

      • How smoking affects vitiligo?

        Smoking is a common habit linked to numerous health risks, affecting multiple body systems and increasing various disease risks, including respiratory and cardiovascular issues....